Mission Statement

The purpose of the Bay Education Foundation is to support the educational development of our students by providing enhanced opportunities for a quality education and promoting greater community involvement in education. 

Our Vision

Raise significant financial support for quality education.

Provide encouragement for employees, students and schools through recognition and incentives for outstanding service and achievement.

Provide mini-grants for educational programs that inspire creativity. 

Challenge parents, business leaders, and the community to increase their involvement with Bay District Schools, our students and the Bay Education Foundation.


The Bay Education Foundation begins, with the purpose of distributing small classroom grants, using a $5,000 donation from Arizona Chemical. With a small Board of Directors, the Foundation incorporates and spends the next several years giving away ten $500 grants every year.

Read More1989

The Bay Education Foundation experiences a growth spurt. Karen Tucker is named the Executive Director. Then Superintendent Stefanie Gall and Mr. Joe Chapman decide that the Foundation could and should do more. Because no job is too big for Joe Chapman, he sets about re-creating a more active organization, and he is, without question, the father of the “re-born” Foundation as well as its first president. Mr. Chapman and Ms. Tucker recruit board members, establish committees, set us up as a membership organization, and create a mission: promoting excellence in public education. With other board and committee members, they start the EXCEL Scholarship Program and establish Awards of Excellence. From a treasury of $5,000, the Foundation’s assets grow quickly to $100,000.

Read More1996

The Scholarship Committee is established and is co-chaired by Lisa Walters, the longest-serving member of our board.  Lisa works closely with Anita Dillard- then principal of A.D. Harris High School- to create the standards for our first scholarships.

Read More1997

Steve Bornhoft serves as president of the Foundation for nine years, presiding over our important affiliation with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations. The value of this membership is incalculable, as both the ideas and accompanying matching funds fuel the tremendous growth of our classroom grant program and allow us to introduce our Employee Tuition Assistance Program.

Read More1999

Steve Bornhoft serves as president of the Foundation for nine years, presiding over our important affiliation with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations. The value of this membership is incalculable, as both the ideas and accompanying matching funds fuel the tremendous growth of our classroom grant program and allow us to introduce our Employee Tuition Assistance Program.

Read More2000

After Steve Bornhoft, Marilyn Fenimore becomes our president and serves for two years. Her term ushers in some changes for the Foundation, including a focus on arts in education and a renewed emphasis on board involvement.  During this time, the Board approves the hiring of a full time Executive Director, Beth Deluzain.

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Ronnie Adams follows Marilyn as president of the Foundation and presides over some of the most dramatic changes in the Foundation’s history. In light of over 50% funding cuts from major sources, the Board has to make some hard decisions about fundraising—as direct appeals are a hard sell in tough economic conditions. Ronnie opens the door for three fundraising events—that are way outside our collective experience and comfort zone. Glen McDonald, president-elect and later president, has a great idea for a golf tournament, Golf FORE Education.

Read More2010

Arts Alive is born! Two community members approach us with a great idea—an event that would feature a dinner and entertainment by local students and employees. These ladies, Tanya Deal and Jody Waller, come with a plan and the commitment to organize this event. They also come with a premier sponsor, the Panhandle Educators Federal Credit Union, where Tanya works as the marketing director. That idea becomes Arts Alive, and is now one of the best charity events in the area.

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The Bay Ed Foundation establishes Strides for Scholars. Also, Dr. Charles Voorhis is selected as the State of Florida Take Stock in Children Mentor of the Year!

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David Powell is installed as president and dedicates his time to reaching out to new supporters. He is also the first Master of Ceremonies of Arts Alive.

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Bay Ed celebrates its 25th anniversary!  Take Stock Scholar Jessie King is awarded the prestigious Leaders for Life award at the statewide level, earning a scholarship valued at $40,000.

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Bay Ed establishes the O’Neal Academic Award. Leon Walters is installed as President of the Bay Ed Foundation.

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Janet Kessler, long time Foundation employee, is promoted to Executive Director.

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The Bay Ed Foundation establishes the “The Bay Education Foundation Joe Chapman III Memorial Endowment Fund.”  Brian Baber is named the new President of the Bay Ed Foundation.

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The Chapman endowment fund is established with Florida State University-Panama City for the purpose of assisting Bay County Take Stock scholars in upper division studies.  Following the devastating impact of Hurricane Michael, the Foundation temporarily shifts its focus to assisting Bay District Schools with a massive recovery effort.  

Read More2018

Bay Ed’s hurricane recovery work continues through most of the year. With its school district partners, the Foundation distributes food, clothing, and supplies to thousands of recipients. Additionally, direct support is provided to teachers through the “Claim a Classroom” program to help BDS teachers and staff replace uninsured classroom materials and supplies and to maintain required records of disbursements. Juan Andrada is installed as President of the Bay Ed Foundation.

Read More2019

With hurricane recovery work almost complete, Bay Ed holds a formal strategic planning workshop to refocus on its mission.  Recognizing the need to update its use of technology, Bay Ed moves to an online platform for all graduating senior scholarships. The Florida Support Education Auto tag license plate campaign kicks off! Following Janet Kessler’s retirement, Melissa Pinero is named Executive Director.

Read More2020

Bay Ed establishes the “Rookie of the Year” program to support and recognize teachers with three or less years in the classroom. Larry Carroll becomes Bay Ed’s new president. Due to Covid-19 concerns, the Tenth Anniversary Arts Alive is the only event and is held outdoors.

Read More2021

Bay Ed runs a week-long campaign to raise funds for victims of Hurricane Ian, donating over $40,000 through the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations. Kelly Langenberg is appointed the new Executive Director.  The Bay Ed Foundation records a new Mentor video and is honored to be a part of the Gulf Power “Classroom Makeover Grant” ribbon cutting for Rutherford High School.

Read More2022

Bay Ed establishes its first CRM software for the Foundation.  We also host our first Mentor Appreciation Breakfast. Additionally, we implement our first website redesign since 2014.

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